With Internet or Without…That is the Question?
Sometimes, life can feel like it’s throwing curveballs at us, and it’s easy to feel like we don’t know what to do. When that happens, I take a moment to pause, gather my thoughts, and figure out what’s next. I know life isn’t always easy, and things don’t always go the way we expect, but that’s part of the journey. Looking back, I realize the world today is a lot different from when I was in my 20s. Back then, things were simpler, and there was a lot more time for fun and connection.
The time when writing a letter was everything.
We didn’t have social media or the internet like we do now. Most people kept their business to themselves, and if you wanted to know what was going on, you might have to pick up a newspaper or gossip at the corner store. Information wasn’t as instant as it is today, and life seemed to move at a slower, more peaceful pace. I sometimes wonder, if we didn’t have the internet, would the world be better? Would we spend more time with our families, talking around the dinner table? Would schools have higher graduation rates? Would people be kinder to each other?
Your Local Library is your friend.
It’s easy to get lost in the whirlwind of technology, but I challenge you to think about these questions for yourself. Maybe take a break from the internet and go to your local library. Pick up a few books about life before the internet and ask older generations what it was like. There’s so much to learn when you step away from screens.
Back in the day, television was the main way we learned about the world. We spent more time outside, playing games, and enjoying life. If you wanted to make friends with someone from another country, you’d write letters, maybe even become a pen pal. If you wanted to send them a picture, you’d snap a photo with a disposable camera and mail it off. It wasn’t fast, but it was meaningful. We were more connected in a different way, and there was something special about that.
Family Dinners Together
Now, don’t get me wrong—I appreciate the internet for all the good things it has brought. It connects us with friends and family, even across the globe, with just a click. It helps us learn about new cultures and ideas, and brings us closer to the people we care about. But there’s a downside too. The internet can be a place where negativity, bullying, and hurtful things happen. It’s important to remember that we can choose how we use it. I hope, one day, the internet will evolve and focus more on the positive and helpful parts of life, just like we used to in the good old days. Maybe, just maybe, we could also return to the time when we had real, face-to-face conversations with the people we care about most.
Wouldn't that be something? 😊